In an interview with ESPN, the former Bucks’ coach revealed that the team’s star tried to go to bat for him.

Just minutes before Jason Kidd was relieved of his duties as the Bucks head coach, he got a phone call from Giannis Antetokounmpo.

According to ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne, Milwaukee’s superstar on the rise contacted Kidd, offering to help save his job.

The Greek Freak called Kidd 15 minutes before he was notified of his firing. He was ready to call the owners and his agent, but Kidd told him he already expected to be fired.

The conversation happened as follows, according to Kidd:

Antetokounmpo describes himself as loyal, and his four-year, $100 million contract extension in small-market Milwaukee is proof. The Bucks drafted him, but he became an all-world talent under Kidd, who put the ball in his hands as a point forward and unleashed the Greek Freak against the rest of the league.

It’s unclear how things will play out as the Bucks maneuver the rest of the season without Kidd. But things have certainly gotten interesting in Milwaukee, and could stay that way in the seasons to come if this midseason switch doesn’t produce results in the near future.

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